Epping West and Rural
Councillor Razia Sharif
💻 cllr.rsharif@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
✉️ Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping CM16 4BZ
Razia lives in Epping High Road. She moved to Epping fourteen years ago, brought up her family here, and loves the sense of community in the town. A former broadcast news journalist who worked for the BBC, Razia has supported local businesses with promoting their services. She is a volunteer with the local foodbank.
Razia decided to stand for election after becoming fed up with the negative effect Conservative decisions have had on our area.
In May 2023 Razia became the first ever Liberal Democrat councillor for Epping Lindsey and Thornwood Common when she gained the seat from the Conservatives. She now serves on the district council's East Area Planning sub-committee, Licensing Committee and Communities Scrutiny Committee.
She has taken up issues for many of the residents she represents, helping with planning and housing issues among other matters.
Razia was also elected by local people to represent them on Epping Town Council where she serves on the Planning and General Purposes Committee as well as attending full council meetings.

Councillor Mandy George
Mandy was elected to the council in May 2024. More details coming soon.